Three weeks ago David started a new adventure....pre school! He LOVES it! We found a wonderful private Christian pre school for him to attend and he just absolutely loves it! He has 12 kids in his class and two teachers that are wonderful. It has been so fun to see him come home with his projects that he made in school. Our fridge has been filled with wonderful decorative creations. :) It has also been so great for me as well. Working from home becomes quite challenging with a two year old and I have longed to send him to pre school so that he could make new friends and learn fun and exciting things. So, having the mornings to myself and knowing that David is having so much fun is a huge weight off of my shoulders and just gives me peace. I am so grateful for the Lord's provision in being able to send him to such a wonderful pre school.
On the first day of school we thought he would be so upset and just cry and cry when we left. Well, we were proven wrong. He just ran into the classroom and never looked back to say goodbye. Brian and I just laughed. It was hilarious to us. Then when we picked him up from school he just cried and cried when we got in the car to leave. Apparently Mom and Dad were chopped liver. LOL We were so happy though that he loved his new school. Thankfully he still cries every once in awhile to make us feel loved. :)
There have been many exciting things that David has improved on since he started pre school. He has started to try to communicate in different ways. He has added two new words. He says, "uh-oh" constantly and the other day when I asked what he wanted instead of falling on the floor and having a tantrum out of frustration he pointed to his sippy cup and said "si-cup". We were sooo excited! :) He had never been able to ask for a drink on his own before. It was always such a battle for him to be able to communicate. We have been working on sign language for awhile and it has not helped his speech. He just gets frustrated. So, to be able to not only understand what he wanted but to see him actually ask for something it was such a blessing. Even though he is still not saying "mom" or "dad" it gives me hope that he will do that soon. Each step is a victory and each small victory I just take in and rejoice. Dont take the little things for granted!!!! Take them and praise the Lord for those things. It is so easy to not notice the little things but they are huge blessings.
Although there are many obstacles to go through it is a blessing to know that the Lord has David in his hands. He has a huge plan for his life and He will use David's life for His glory. He is already a tool to draw me closer to the Lord and is a testimony of God's faithfulness and blessing on our lives. May we continue to surrender David into the Lord's hands....David belongs to the Lord and we have just been given the honor to raise him to walk with Jesus. What an adventure that will be! :)
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