Sunday, June 21, 2015

Unconditional Love

                     Today is Fathers Day and I find it fitting to write about the most important man in my life. The most amazing Dad to our precious son. So, I dedicate this to Brian....the love of my life....who also happens to have something in common with David...he too is on the spectrum. I don't write a lot about Brian but I wanted to share how much he has taught me as I learn on in this journey of being David's Mom. Brian teaches me every day as I observe his love for David.
                       Brian is always the one to remind me when I get discouraged that David is blessed to have us as his parents. He reminds me that in all the ways we know that we are fighting for him and are his greatest cheerleaders. He is quick to point out the fact that we have provided him the best education with teachers and therapists who love him and are quick to point out and celebrate his accomplishments.
                      One of my most favorite things about him is how much he makes each day fun. I don't think a day goes by when he doesn't spend time acting silly with David. He sings crazy songs that he makes up and tells him how much he loves him several times a day. He blasts the Beatles in the car and David belly laughs as the music plays. He especially loves to play "This little piggy" with his feet  making David belly laugh un controllably. He LOVES to spend time with him and doesn't mind having to take time away from what he is doing to read to him when David asks. I love to watch him play outside with him and work in the garden teaching him and letting David "help" him. When I watch this my heart melts and makes me love Brian more and more each day.
                     I love that Brian sees the best in David. He takes his struggles and chooses to see the strengths in him. He is teaching me through his example to celebrate the little things that we all take for granted. This is a daily lesson I learn and he is ever so patient with me and is starting to understand that I fight off the worries of this Mamas heart. Brian sees David through the eyes of one who struggled all his life with Aspergers but just never knew he had it. Because of this he sees David just as he is. He sees his full potential. I thank The Lord for this because that helps me to see that as well. He loves him with unconditional love that is the most beautiful example of how much Jesus loves David.
                 David has a most wonderful Godly, loving example of what it means to be a man who loves The Lord with all his heart. He has a servants heart and seeks to teach David to have the same. He spends time praying with him and is teaching him at this early age to rely on The Lord. He is the first to apologize to his son when he feels it is called for and through that is teaching him humility and forgiveness. He holds him when he is sad and scared and shows him that he is safe and protected. He brings comfort to him and wipes his tears away. I am so thankful to be married to this man of God.

Thank you Brian for the many ways you show love to our son but most importantly the way you show him the love of Jesus and what it means to be a man after Gods own heart.

I love you!


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